Cetus Group
Examples of Our Analytic and Reporting Capabilities

The following examples are representative of the type of work we do for our clients. They were selected to show the range of our capabilities: design, statistical, programming and user-friendliness. All the examples were produced by our analysts in various versions of SAS, and displayed here just as our customers would have seen them, with no further marketing embellishments.

  • Excerpt from Printed Report
    This example is based on two pages from a 30+ page report which summarized the patient characteristics, therapy and outcomes from a physician's patients, and compared them to the database. We needed a polished appearance, geared to the medical professional, with graphical and tabular data mixed with explanatory text. When completed, this program produced over 200 individualized reports in .PDF format, ready to be printed. (Some of the concepts included in this report were presented at SAS User Groups meetings and can be reviewed here: paper and poster.)

  • Basic Descriptive Data Analysis
    Do your current statisticians give you pages of statistical output and let you "figure it out"? Even for technical scientific analyses, Cetus Group analysts make extensive use of graphics, and structure the analyses to guide you quickly to your conclusions. This example is an excerpt from a course of descriptive analyses involving 100's of variables. Especially note the clear Table of Contents. Our client's analysts appreciated our giving them the ability to navigate a document of well over 1,000 pages.

  • Series of Time-to-Event Analyses
    Our client had data mining needs involving a long and frequently-changing list of potential predictors, and data which needed to be repeatedly screened and scrubbed. The client requested that the results comprise a single document, which could be e-mailed as an attachment, with a line or 2 of summary statistics for each variable in one table, and a link to take the reader to a drill-down of relevant graphs and detail statistics for the corresponding variable.

  • Comparative Chart
    We assisted a large nursing home company with their internal quality improvement initiative. Data came from a legacy database in Oracle which we had to merge with hand-generated and frequently-changing data in Excel. Our statisticians constructed the analytical file, incorporated the complex statistical requirements from the relevant accrediting organization, and completed a user-friendly, parameterized application to generate a series of performance improvement reports on a monthly basis for 300+ reporting entities. The system was ultimately accepted by the JCAHO Oryx initiative. This example is one page from an Oryx "Comparative Report", in which one facility is compared to the entire database over time.